It isn’t easy finding the words to express feelings in the English language. No matter the words I choose, they will never convey my thoughts about the idiocy that is the Supreme Court. There is plenty of blame to go around; after all, Congress and the Senate had years to codify the protections.
As of this ruling, women no longer have the same HIPAA rights as men. A man could have a dangerous disease, and the medical community cannot warn anyone. A woman could get pregnant and lose the pregnancy, and their medical records will be scrutinized. The loss of a child is horrible enough without some ass demanding to see proof that it wasn’t planned.
I heard a pro-life woman say that the Supreme Court just took its finger off the scales. What a total pile of crap. Abortion is a woman’s decision, not a group of people, a personal one. Involving a group leans to having a state-sponsored religion. Leaving it to the state means that you may be punished for leaving the state for medical care. Same-sex marriage, in which the states could make their own rules, proves how, as a Nation, some things must be set for all.
As a non-profit Church, we benefit from not paying taxes and are supposed to remain out of politics. Yes, I know that the big Churches do it all the time (those on top seem to be above laws). Now is the time to be involved. Find out all you can about all the candidates running in all elections in your state. Please don’t rely on what they say in speeches; look at everything they have supported. Remind the politicians that this is our country. We do not have a ruling elite. We have a voice through the election process (don’t let them take that away from you!).
To all those impacted by this very wrong decision, I apologize. While I did not always back a winning candidate to DC, the ones I did took no successful steps toward protecting your rights. They will not stop here; more rights will be torn down. Use your intelligence to find the right people and your voice to send them to DC.