Beltane 2023

Hello and welcome to the Pagan Alliance Church Beltane ritual.

Beltane marks the beginning of summer. It is time for the Earth to awaken from the slumber of winter; for fertility and growth. It is also one of two times when the veil is thinnest. While our ritual will be based on introspection, try to do this outside and connect with nature, if possible.

Just as it is time to clean the land of debris from the winter, so must we look at ourselves and clear away what is no longer needed.

In order to do this work, you need to take the time to reflect on what you should remove from your life.

Let’s begin this journey by taking a step back to evaluate your current situation and identifying areas where there may be unnecessary clutter, negativity, or distractions. This process of self-reflection allows you to understand where to improve and what obstacles may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Now that we have identified those areas, it’s time to actively remove or modify those aspects of your life that are no longer serving you. This might involve letting go of unhealthy relationships, breaking bad habits, or re-evaluating your priorities.

With the debris cleared away, you now have space to cultivate the positive in your life. Focus on developing healthy habits, fostering supportive relationships, and pursuing activities that bring joy and fulfillment. These practices will help to enrich your life and encourage personal growth.

Sit down and think about what you want. Be specific; don’t say I want more money or a better job. Say what you want that job to be and how much you want to make. If you want to be working for yourself, then say that and how much you would need to earn. If you need to replace something, like your car, be specific about what that car should have and be capable of (storage, mileage, etc). Write all of this down. Yes, this is very much vision board material. Take as much time as you need to get this done, and be as detailed as you can.

Now that you have this information, the next part will be easier. Look at the things in your life. If they will not support what you want, then it is time to let them go. And no, that does not mean leaving your job immediately without a new position in place. Make a list of all the things you need to let go. I know it will not be easy to let them go. If they will not get you to your goals, they may be holding you back due to time or money.

Taking action is a vital component of turning your dreams into reality. No matter how grand or ambitious your aspirations may be, they can only be realized through consistent effort and a commitment to making progress. Remember to stay open to change. Adjust to the changes throughout the year and take advantage of them. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, realistic, relevant to your life, and have a time constraint. If a goal does not seem practical, break it into small parts. The path to your goal is not an express to an end but a journey of small steps.

Keep in mind that this is the first step toward a bountiful harvest. As our ancestors would recognize the milestones of the growing season, we monitor our progress and adjust as needed. Remember to stay flexible and to learn from things that do not go as planned. We didn’t pop out of the womb walking and talking. Both took time and effort.

Staying accountable through friends, family, or a mentor is essential. Make sure they celebrate your wins with you and keep your spirits high when you falter.

This life is not a fixed length. It can end at any time. However, that doesn’t mean you put so much on your shoulders that you hasten the process; just the opposite. Realistic goals will allow you to live life to the fullest while working toward your dreams.

With the groundwork laid, plant the seeds of your intentions by taking steps toward achieving your goals. You built out your list of goals and the plan, now do it.

Like a garden, your personal growth requires ongoing care and attention. Regularly assess your progress, make adjustments as needed, and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate each step along the way.

Creating new positive things in our lives can also involve taking risks and stepping outside our comfort zones. This process can be scary, but it is often necessary for growth and transformation. It also requires us to stay focused and committed to our goals. It is easy to get distracted or discouraged when obstacles or setbacks occur. However, by focusing on our vision and taking small steps toward our goals every day, we can make steady progress and achieve great things.